Private Yoga session in English

ONLY FOR YOU – your individuality counts for me



It works easier and faster than many expect: freedom from pain in the back and neck, optimized energy flow, improved breathing, reduction in headaches or simply more self-confidence: our spine not only plays a key role in our body from an orthopedic point of view. Strong, trained and stably erected cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae can change life forever and should be trained regularly – no matter what age!



Stress & tension are at the root of many physical and mental ailments. Targeted relaxation is the key to activating healing processes and deep sleep. Preventive refueling means: breathing exercises (pranayama), conscious meditation and long, meditative holding of the asanas. This enables intensive communication with your body systems, stabilizes the immune system and is at the same time a very effective fountain of youth!



Stiffness, back pain and postural problems are torture. Concentrated stretching of muscles, tendons, fascia and joints enables an increase in the freedom of movement and variability of the body in everyday things such as bending over, lifting, getting in and out of the car, chilling out, doing sports and making love. A great gain in quality of life, because a flexible body often also lives in a flexible mind.



Shaping a beautiful, slim, muscular and attractive body is very possible with yoga. Isometric, intensive tensing and long holding of the asanas creates powerful, strong fibers with long, well-formed muscles. The cardiological system can also be effectively challenged and optimized – for a long life. Yes, if you want, you can get in shape with yoga, especially in the private yoga class!

My offers

private yoga lessons

For people who ...

  • expect an individual teaching practice tailored to them

  • cannot or do not want to make themselves dependent on time and place

  • want to remain private for personal or health reasons

  • want to develop physically, energetically and/or spiritually

  • like to get up early in order to start the day strengthened and relaxed through the early morning yoga practice

The offer for you ...

  •  One-to-one Yoga session

    Treat yourself exclusively to your private yoga teacher – just as it suits you on the day

  • Business yoga for companies

    Company health promotion for employees, e.g. during the lunch break or before/after work

  • Small groups of 2-6 people

    One or two yoga teachers just for you and your best friends

  • Lessons in German, on request also in English or French


Studio Berlin-Wilmersdorf

Happy customers


Private Yoga Session Offers - prices

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That makes me very happy ♥
© Devanath / pixabay
© Devanath / pixabay

Here you will find me...

Studio address:

Wittelsbacherstr. 18, 10707 Berlin


 +49 (0)170 999 80 77
© 2023 JENS O. FISCHER Yogateacher | Ernährungstherapeut | IronmanUCoach. All Rights Reserved.